SARS expedited refund service,
especially on VAT
What steps do you take when your client’s VAT refund is delayed? We can help you avoid a frustrated client awaiting their VAT refund pay out. As you know, SARS performs extensive checks and balances and follows due process when confirming the correctness of all VAT claims, before simply paying them out. However, you can avoid long-drawn-out verification processes by seeking the assistance of a tax lawyer.
There are three instances which we have noted that result in unpaid VAT refunds after the filing of a VAT return, being:
- SARS disallows your client’s input VAT claim;
- SARS puts your client through the verification process, requesting certain documentation and a VAT schedule, which your client then provides, and then thereafter hears nothing from SARS as to the payment of the refund; and
- The credit sits on your client’s statement of account and no refund is received.
There are often no adequate reasons given by SARS for the delay in the refund being processed, when this happens, you and your client may have no alternative but to take appropriate legal steps to obtain the refund legally due to them. Our partners can assist you in navigating this challenging landscape and getting your client’s VAT refund finalised and paid out.
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